For more on WEI, please visit our website.
Want to support WEI? Please make a fully tax-deductible contribution as an individual donor or join WEI as a sponsor.
Thanks to all our partners for another great year!
“We can have a clean economy that works for everyone, invests in innovation and rewards those who lead on creating a more just and sustainable world. By investing in clean energy, clean transportation, clean manufacturing, and natural carbon solutions while we green our infrastructure and electrify our building stock, we can address climate change and create a more resilient, vibrant, and thriving Wisconsin.”
“Each of us has a role to play to ensure free and fair elections. Anti-democracy efforts that weaken voting rights will only lead to a more extremely partisan and autocratic one-party rule that favors special interests at the expense of local businesses, workers, families, communities, and our environment.”
WEI Co-founder & Director John Imes attended COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt as an NGO observer and delegate with the American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN). COP27 is the biggest climate event of the year and represents a defining moment in the fight against climate change. See John’s blog that was highlighted by WisPolitics/WisOpinion and ASBN.
WEI worked with the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters and other climate and energy leaders to plan and organize Climate Fast Forward, a statewide event that brought together four hundred stakeholders to create the best solutions for Wisconsin. John and WEI Board member Tom Eggert led the Green Jobs & The New Economy Track that produced a background white paper and guest column, New Wisconsin Economy Will Create Green Jobs published in The Capital Times, Wisconsin Examiner,,, and other media sources. Watch for the full Climate Fast Forward conference report early in 2023!
WEI attended a great VERGE 22 climate tech event as a follow up to Climate Fast Forward on the road to COP 27. Thousands of leaders — from business, government, NGOs, and startups — came together to address climate solutions across six strategic areas including clean energy, sustainable transportation, carbon removal, regenerative food systems, net-zero buildings, and tech entrepreneurship. See John’s recap.
This changes everything! The *Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will invest $369 billion in energy security and climate programs over the next ten years! “The time is right for Wisconsin to advance a more sustainable economy that works for all,” said WEI Co-founder & Director John Imes. “This historic climate legislation will make investments in energy security, such as wind, solar, and carbon reduction projects that provide multiple benefits, including clean energy generation/battery storage, emission reductions, plus deficit reduction and thousands of green jobs – the kind of family-supporting jobs that once anchored the American middle class.”
*WEI applauds the American Sustainable Business Network's efforts in support of the historic Inflation Reduction Act and advocacy on behalf of American businesses that support building a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive economy. WEI Co-founder & Director John Imes serves on the ASBN Climate & Energy Working Group.
John attended a great “Evening of Renewable Energy” event for Governor Tony Evers who announced the release of the first State of Wisconsin Clean Energy Plan. The state-wide plan provides a roadmap to transition Wisconsin to a clean energy economy that:
Read the Wisconsin Clean Energy Plan. “The Clean Energy Plan will help strengthen the middle class by creating family-supporting jobs in clean energy manufacturing while also reducing burdensome energy costs,” said John Imes, Co-founder and Director of Wisconsin Environmental Initiative. “We can move beyond our dependence on fossil fuels to reduce the power and influence of global oil markets, address climate change and create a more resilient and sustainable economy that works for all.”
John joined Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) CEO Elmer Moore Jr., Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, former Council President Syed Mustajab Abbas, and other community members at the ribbon-cutting for Ella Apartments, a new landmark affordable housing community at the old site of Ella’s Deli in Madison. Congrats to New Year Investments for another great Green Built certified project!
WEI co-sponsored a great Madison Freiburg Sister City event at Monona Terrace to welcome the Mayor of Freiburg, Germany, and his delegation to Madison. -- Freiburg is recognized as an international leading green city. In her welcome address, Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said that "This visit is an opportunity for us to exchange ideas and innovations for the benefit, not just of our cities, but of our planet as well."
As part of a state delegation to Germany in 2004, WEI led a group to Freiburg to see first-hand innovative solar housing developments and green infrastructure projects. See John Imes recap of the trip.
John joined Wisconsin Department of Administration Secretary-designee Kathy Koltin Blumenfeld, Wisconsin State Representative Shelia Stubbs, leaders from the City of Madison, Wisconsin State Government, and Monroe Street Merchants Association members to hear heartfelt stories from business owners about the challenges they faced during the pandemic and how state Badger Bounce Back grants helped them survive and recover!
John joined business organizations and individuals, including Camille Carter of the Madison Black Chamber of Commerce, Mathias Lemos Castillo of the Latino Professionals Association, Inc., Dan Guerra Jr. of Altus Campus, and others to elevate the issue of democracy and the need to pass voting reforms in Congress to protect both our democracy and economy! See John’s guest column, "Thriving economy, improved environment need well-functioning democracy."
WEI helped organize the Lake Wingra Watershed Gathering at Vilas Park featuring watershed presentations, family-friendly activities, and water stewardship practices that all could learn from! Thanks to the WATER Team and all the sponsors for pulling together a great community event!
WEI attended a great Wisconsin Technology Council event highlighting NextGen Highways Coalition's effort to combine electric vehicle charging, broadband, and buried high-voltage DC transmission along highway rights-of-way to advance a 21st-century clean energy economy. Wisconsin is well positioned to lead the way with its regulatory siting and $7 billion in clean energy development planned over the next decade.
Another Wisconsin Technology Council event featured the electric vehicle industry and related infrastructure. There, John highlighted the Wisconsin opportunity for first-mover, competitive advantage that benefits the state’s green economy, including our Travel Wisconsin "Green" brand, enhanced ability to attract and retain talent, and create jobs and investment within the emerging Wisconsin clean energy supply chain.
WEI attended *GreenBiz 22 the premier event for sustainable business leaders, with more than 1,200 professionals, safe protocols, valuable connections, and over 60+ sessions including GreenBiz guru Joel Makower and Paul Polman (Net-Positive strategies), ESG and sustainable finance, climate policy making, regenerative agriculture, diversity, equity and inclusion and more!
*Special thanks to Wisconsin based SC Johnson for hosting and inviting John Imes to join an intimate evening discussion on the evolution of the sustainability agenda, with chief sustainability officers and executives from General Motors, Starbucks, Ocean Conservancy, Tyson Foods, GlobalScan, Persefoni, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and Forum for the Future.
WEI attended the *Infrastructure event featuring Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley, DOT Secretary Craig Thompson, Jeff Stone (MMSD) discussing the potential to boost the trades, roads/bridges, water, transit, rail, green infrastructure, and clean energy manufacturing.
*Wisconsin should leverage its industrial heritage and manufacturing might to get a meaningful slice of the $8.6 billion in funding for clean energy manufacturing and workforce development under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law!
Many thanks to the Morgridge Center for Public Service Badger Volunteers for their great work with WEI in 2022 including a Wingra Boats tour of Lake Mendota shoreland best practices, visiting green infrastructure sites, touring the Dudgeon-Monroe Neighborhood Nature and History Trail, Green Built project certification site visits, solar light-string decorating of street lamp posts and learning opportunities along Monroe Street, plus visits to Bayview Foundation Inc., Garver Feed Mill, and Madison College built “right-sized” Tiny Homes.
WEI social media posts reached over 90,000 people in 2022 with 22 posts resulting in over 11,000 link clicks or post engagements. Check out WEI’s Facebook page and be sure to "Like" and leave comments on our social media to let us know how we're doing.
For more on WEI, please visit our website.
Want to support WEI? Please make a fully tax-deductible contribution as an individual donor or join WEI as a sponsor.
Thanks to all our partners and sponsors for another great year!
“Combined with the just-enacted bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Build Back Better Act is milestone legislation that can help move Wisconsin forward and create a more resilient economy that works for all,” said John Imes, Co-Founder & CEO of Wisconsin Environmental Initiative. “From strengthening the middle class, addressing climate change, updating our infrastructure, ensuring income equality, and supporting clean water, and regenerative agriculture — all provisions that will help broaden Wisconsin’s prosperity and make an economic recovery for all possible.”
Here is a recap and highlights of WEI’s work in 2021:
Executive Director, John Imes participated with the American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN) during virtual D.C. fly-in meetings with ten members of Congress including Rep. Mark Pocan (WI) and legislative staff on both sides of the aisle. See John's guest column in support of the bipartisan infrastructure and budget reconciliation bills to address economic, environmental, workplace, and social issues that will broaden Wisconsin’s prosperity.
WEI sponsored and helped organize the virtual luncheon event 'How Will Bills to Boost Infrastructure Affect Wisconsin's Green Economy?'
The lineup included David Kieve, director of Public Engagement for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, Veteran DC journalist Lou Jacobson and two state lawmakers, Rep. Greta Neubauer, D-Racine, a member of the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee and Sen. Robert Cowles, R-Green Bay, chair of the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee and vice-chair of the Senate Transportation and Local Government Committee. *WEI is partnering with and on how the state can make the most of possible once-in-a-generation boost to a wide array of programs benefiting the green economy. Watch the event here.
Thanks to and WisBiz Green for also highlighting John’s blog recap of GreenBiz21, the premier annual event for sustainable business that explores market and policy shifts for a more sustainable, just economy.
Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Act Will Deliver for Wisconsin!
*Thanks to members of the Wisconsin delegation, including Rep. Mark Pocan, Rep. Ron Kind, Rep. Gwen Moore, and Senator Tammy Baldwin who voted for once-in-a-generation funding to create good-paying, family-supporting jobs to help build back our state including $6+ billion for roads, bridges, and public transportation, $100+ million for reliable high-speed internet, $79+ million for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, plus $841 million in critical water infrastructure and more!
From Crisis to Opportunity: Executive Director, John Imes provided testimony for the Joint Committee on Finance.
"...From strengthening the middle class, addressing climate change, updating our infrastructure, ensuring income equality, and supporting clean water, and regenerative agriculture – all actions you can take in this budget to advance a more resilient and sustainable economic recovery..."
Highest-scoring Green Built Certified Affordable Housing Project in Wisconsin!
Congratulations to West CAP and Gerrard Corporation for their work to develop 1300 Residences, the highest-scoring Green Built Certified affordable housing project in Wisconsin!
Featuring Smartflower solar tracking technology and a 580-rooftop solar panel installation, plus state-of-the-art air-source heat pumps and energy-efficient insulated glass windows, 1300 Residences represents the cutting edge of green-built, solar-based affordable living! By combining innovative energy technologies with conservation measures, 1300 Residences will meaningfully address climate change by reducing carbon dioxide emissions up to 300 tons per year!
WEI joined Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) Executive Director Joaquin Altoro and other community leaders and partners to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Limerick Senior Apartments and Townhomes in Fitchburg. The 127-unit Northpointe Development affordable housing project will be built to WEI’s Green-Built standards and feature a series of bioswales/bioretention basins to protect a nearby wetland and Nine Springs Conservancy plus over 300 solar panels (PV) electric system.
Executive Director, John Imes visited Sheboygan to tour the “Green Built Certified” Badger State Lofts, a converted former tannery into a mixed-use residential community. *Another example of how we can transform old, underutilized buildings and infrastructure to create jobs and affordable housing while addressing climate change and building a greener Wisconsin economy.
In 2021, the scoring criteria for multifamily projects increased the Green Built Home standard score from 150 to 200 points or more, increasing the positive economic, social, and environmental impact of affordable housing projects statewide!
Thanks to the Monroe Street Merchants Association (MSMA) for recognizing and celebrating Wisconsin Environmental Initiative‘s volunteer work on Monroe Street, Executive Director, John Imes service on the MSMA board, and the recent sale of Arbor House, a national award-winning inn that John and his wife Cathie owned and operated for more than 27 years! Watch this 2-minute video with highlights of Arbor House over the years and our projects on Monroe Street!
Holiday Glow on Monroe!
Executive Director, John Imes joined Morgridge Center for Public Service Badger Volunteers on Monroe Street to decorate streetlamps with holiday garlands, plus solar light strings donated by WEI: A reminder to shop local every holiday season!
Thanks to the UW Public Interest Law Foundation for inviting Executive Director John Imes to present at their Community Justice Week event. Great opportunity to highlight Green-Built affordable housing projects, green building trends, and policy opportunities at the state, local, and national levels.
Model rain garden project spurs stormwater education
John also joined fellow volunteers to plant two rain gardens located behind Wingra School in the Dudgeon-Monroe Neighborhood. The rain gardens will mitigate and infiltrate runoff from the school's playground to help protect the Lake Wingra watershed and provide educational activities for students.
Thanks to the Morgridge Center for Public Service for inviting Executive Director, John Imes to present and share his experiences with Badger Volunteers including policy priorities and actions we can take to advance a more resilient and sustainable future that works for all. John also spoke with students from the UW–Madison Ethical and Responsible Business Network – ERBN about Triple Bottom Line strategies and the need for a sense of urgency to change “business as usual” and “politics as usual”.
Thanks to PLATO — Participatory Learning & Teaching Organization for inviting John to speak about the many ways we can advance a more sustainable Wisconsin economy. Special emphasis on the once-in-a-generation funding ($500 billion for climate!) from the proposed bi-partisan infrastructure package and Build Back Better Act!
Wisconsin Environmental Initiative is a proud member of the American Sustainable Business Network and attended the ASBN Business for a Just & Sustainable Economy event featuring Climate & Energy Policy and Business for Democracy Policy Working Group meetings; Climate Resilience, Economic Justice and Building the NEXT Economy; plus an event at Ocean View Growing Grounds, an established community garden, food forest and learning center with local neighborhood residents.
John also attended a great Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council annual conference featuring remarks by Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes and presentations for business leaders and sustainability professionals working to advance sustainable principles and best practices.
WEI social media posts reached over 150,000 people in 2021 with 50 posts resulting in over 12,000 link clicks or post engagements. Check out WEI’s Facebook page and be sure to "Like" and leave comments on our social media to let us know how we're doing.
For more on WEI, please visit our website.
Want to support WEI? Please make a fully tax-deductible contribution as an individual donor or join WEI as a sponsor.
Thanks to all our partners and sponsors for another great year!
"We can recover from these challenging times, but only if we bridge the divide in our politics and work together to lay a foundation of high-road progressive policies and practices that take better care of our local businesses, workers, families and communities. Indeed, isn’t that what making the economy work for all is all about?" — John Imes
Here is a recap and highlights of WEI’s work in 2020:
Executive Director John Imes guest column: Making the Economy Work for All highlights WEI's work with the American Sustainable Business Council national working group to address COVID-19 and lay the groundwork for a stronger, more sustainable and resilient recovery. *See the group's report: From Crisis to Opportunity: Recommendations for State & Local Governments
WEI sponsored and helped organize the "Earth Day: The Next 50 Years" virtual event that featured remarks by Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, chair of the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change, and state Rep. Mike Kuglitsch, R-New Berlin, chair of the Assembly Committee on Energy and Utilities, and a member of the task force. Executive Director John Imes joined the panel discussion focused on environmental, conservation, transportation, and business trends over the next 50 years. Watch the event.
WEI attended Green Biz 20, the premier annual event for sustainability leaders with 1,500 professionals representing leading companies, government, and NGOs to explore new directions, make connections, share successes and find more effective ways to advance policymaking and climate solutions. WisPolitics/WisBusiness highlighted John’s blog about the event for readers statewide.
"These are extraordinary times, the defining decade where we finally show a sense of urgency that “business as usual” is no longer an option. The world is demanding solutions to the climate crisis; our young people are demanding bold action...what will our answer be? Each of us has a role to play and a responsibility to act. What will your role be?" — John Imes
Executive Director John Imes spoke with students from the UW–Madison Ethical and Responsible Business Network – ERBN about Triple Bottom Line strategies and the need for a sense of urgency to change “business as usual” and “politics as usual”.
John is also a member of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) Climate & Energy Working Group and attended the ASBC– Social Venture Circle Virtual Conference “Remaking & Revitalizing the Economy”. ASBC led a year-long effort to outline the major crises the nation now faces, from racism to climate meltdown, and prepared a 100-page blueprint (Creating an Economic System That Works For All) for business leaders and elected officials at all levels to learn from and implement.
“As we look to build back better in the wake of COVID-19, our racial reckoning and the need for solutions to address climate change, we have the opportunity and responsibility to advance public policies and find better ways to work together to create a more just, equitable, sustainable, inclusive and resilient future that works for all”. — John Imes
WEI Is Still All In: In the 5 years since the Paris Agreement was adopted, over 4,000 U.S. cities, states, tribal nations, businesses, and others have stepped up to keep our country advancing towards “Americas Pledge on Climate.” Now, it’s time to go all in.
“As we continue to deal with a public health crisis, a struggling economy and racial injustice, we must also look to the looming threat of the climate crisis,” said John Imes, Executive Director of WEI. “In our commitment to addressing climate, WEI is Still All In and we look forward to doing our part to push for bold action that includes supporting the Governor's Task Force on Climate Change Report and working to create an economy that works for all.”
The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) new scoring criteria for multifamily projects will increase the Green Built Home standard score from 150 to 200 points or more, increasing the positive economic, social and environmental impact of affordable housing projects statewide. Certified projects in 2020 totaled over 2,500 homes and WHEDA low-income housing units built or remodeled to WEI’s Green Built Home standards.
Our work with the UW Madison Morgridge Center for Public Service Badger Volunteers was limited in 2020 due to COVID-19, but we still managed to get out and volunteer for Monroe Street Green initiatives including the holiday decoration of over three dozen lamp posts along Monroe Street with evergreens, bows and festive solar light strings donated by WEI. Executive Director John Imes also serves on the Monroe Street Merchants Association Board.
WEI served on the planning committee for Wisconsin Business Leadership Roundtable 2020 — A visionary virtual conference to kickstart a dialogue about business leading on climate change in today’s transformative times. The event featured keynotes by Tom Boldt, CEO of the Boldt Company and Jeff Thompson, CEO Emeritus of Gundersen Health Systems, plus panel experts on navigating the way forward.
WEI social media posts reached over 220,000 people in 2020 with 26 posts resulting in over 20,000 link clicks or post engagements. Check out WEI’s Facebook page and be sure to "Like" and leave comments on our social media to let us know how we're doing.
Need a plug? Who doesn't these days? Pass along your news and updates here, so WEI can spread the word about your successes to our followers.
For more on WEI, please visit our website.
Want to support WEI? Please make a fully tax-deductible contribution as an individual donor or join WEI as a sponsor.
Thanks to all our partners and sponsors for another great year!
It’s a new day and once again I enjoyed attending #GreenBiz21, the premier annual event for sustainable business leaders with more than 1,200 professionals. This invitation-only online event featured more than 80 sessions to move beyond business as usual and transition to a more sustainable and just economy. Some highlights:
Keynote by Bill Gates on the critical role businesses must play to avoid a climate disaster, including technology innovations and policy solutions.
Launch of a new nonprofit "that exists solely to nurture and empower BIPOC professionals to accelerate a just transition to a clean economy."
Why it’s time for companies and their trade associations to get off the sidelines and advocate for strong climate policy, including new tools and policy guides:
AAA Leadership Framework
Climate Authenticity Meter
Climate Voice Policy Guide
Scaling regenerative agriculture practices to create more resilient supply chains, restore soil health and enable farmers and ag businesses to thrive. — Wisconsin opportunity?
Trees as a pathway to social equity through the newly launched U.S. Chapter of a community of people committed to conserving, restoring, and growing 1 trillion trees globally by 2030. Gov. Tony Evers serves on the U.S. Stakeholder Council.
*Watch GreenBiz 21 keynote videos on vimeo.
*For more, please visit the GreenBiz 21 feature page.
Thanks to Joel Makower and the great GreenBiz team for pulling together another remarkable event that educates and engages companies, organizations, and stakeholders to advance the market and policy shifts we need to achieve a more just, equitable, sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future that works for all!
These are extraordinary times, the defining decade where we finally show a sense of urgency that “business as usual” is no longer an option. So I looked forward to attending GreenBiz20, the premier annual event for sustainability leaders with 1,500 professionals representing leading companies, government, and NGOs to explore new directions, make connections, share successes and find more effective ways to advance policymaking and climate solutions.
Here are some highlights from an extraordinary two and a half-day event:
A half-day tutorial on the art and science of sustainability storytelling, including how a company can leverage sustainability to set science-based goals, build its brand, attract and retain employees, engage customers and increase investment to drive sales and business success.
A report on the State of Green Business, including key business trends and the current state of the sustainability profession during these turbulent times. — A key success factor? Collaboration.
A talk on how climate change is detrimental to our economic system and what new disclosure legislation could mean for companies, investors, and government with respect to environmental, social and governance issues.
"Ten years ago, when we talked about sustainability in a boardroom, it was a sidebar," Mindy Lubber, CEO, and president of Ceres. "Now nobody’s rolling their eyes when we say we’re there to talk about sustainability."
Several speakers highlighted the significance of BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s letter to CEOs and clients as a “wake-up call” that could reshape how corporate America does business. As the world’s largest asset manager with nearly $7 trillion in investments, BlackRock will now make investment decisions with environmental sustainability and climate as a core goal.
A talk with yogurt maker Chobani President, Peter McGuinness, on the crisis in the dairy industry that has resulted in the closing of 20,000 dairy farms and the importance of comprehensive fair trade standards to address labor, environmental and animal welfare concerns, increase producer transparency and worker well-being while providing a fair milk price for farmers.
“Sustainability, profitability, and productivity are not mutually exclusive... it’s damn good for business. Today’s consumers, particularly young consumers, demand it.” — Peter McGuinness
Other sessions highlighting sustainability challenges in the food and farming sectors include the latest innovations to transform farms from carbon sources into carbon sinks, empowering women farmers globally, slashing food waste to combat hunger, creating alternative proteins, and working with farmers to invest in regenerative agriculture practices by using cover crops, and avoiding chemicals, soil tilling, and mono-cropping that negatively impacts the soil and land.
Zero Waste Program: Waste Management's work with TerraCycle event boxes and other partners diverted 100% of the waste generated at GreenBiz by donating leftover food, composting and recycling.
“If food waste were a country it would be the 3rd highest emitter of methane.” Komal Ahmad, Copia Founder & CEO
One of the most important topics introduced at GreenBiz showed why climate public advocacy by companies will be essential to deliver the pace and scale of greenhouse gas emission reductions we need while providing numerous business benefits. The framework that was introduced will help businesses execute a science-based climate policy agenda that 1) advocates for policies consistent with achieving net-zero emissions by 2050; 2) align trade associations with emission reduction goals and 3) allocate spending to advance climate policies, not obstruct them. For more information.
A City of the Future display and an original skit performed by three middle schoolers from Tucson showcased sustainable design, biomimicry, green infrastructure, and multi-use buildings featuring sustainable usage of water. The students were also recognized at the Sustainability Solutions Celebration, an event that brings together the business and academic worlds to celebrate young innovators who have reimagined global challenges to make the world a better place.
A talk with Brian Mecinas, a first-generation Latino-American, first-generation college student, and youth climate activist on the frontlines calling for bold action on climate solutions.
“My generation understands the climate crisis because we don’t have a choice to not understand it. We don’t have time to waste with political niceties. Businesses can, and must, be doing so much more. — Brian Mecinas
That sentiment was captured by CDP President Bruno Sarda who helped set the tone for GreenBiz20: "The clock is ticking. We cannot afford to lose. We have 10 years to make things right and companies are quickly running out of excuses to avoid disclosing their impact and acting on climate."
"We need scale. We’re talking trillions of dollars in opportunities. And we need every single business to step up and show the appetite for transformational change — because incremental is not going to cut it anymore.” — Bruno Sarda
This will be the defining decade for climate action. The world is demanding solutions to the climate crisis; our young people are demanding bold action...what will our answer be? Each of us has a role to play and a responsibility to act. What will your role be?
To view the plenary sessions, please visit the virtual live stream of the event.
Thanks again to GreenBiz chairman and executive editor Joel Makower and all the great staff and volunteers for making GreenBiz such a globally significant event. For interviews and a full wrap-up on GreenBiz20, please listen to the GreenBiz Podcast.